Sunday, April 8, 2012

My Challenge

I decided I wanted to do a challenge on not to eat junk food. I'm doing that because of my health. When I first started this challenge I didn't drink pepsi but now I do because I can't help it in a month. I wanted to do it for 3 months but that would be too long for me so I changed it for a month. Instead of eating snacks like chocolate, chips or candy I eat some healthy snacks like peanuts. I'm happy that I can do it. It's not that hard. I can't help looking at the junk food around me because whenever I look at them I feel bad. So I thought it would be a good idea to post this. I'm not eating anything with sugar or chocolate except milk tea and milk shakes. Whenever my older sisters order something junk I keep reminding them that I'm not allowed to eat this. They sometimes don't understand. They keep asking me, ''Why are you doing this challenge anyway?'' But they listen to me and give me something more healthy. If you have done this challenge before you should be proud of yourselves and proud of me too.


  1. And it's also very beautiful that you are giving up something you love. It shows the strength of your will-power.

  2. I've never given up something I love! You're so brave!

  3. I'm trying to reduce my intake of sugar, and I know it sounds easy, but it really is not. I COMPLETELY understand your challenge. GOOD LUCK!! You can do this Huda!!!
